Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Politics Today....

As most people know (concerning myself) I'm really not big on political riff-raff but as fate would once again prove to be the big 400 lb lady in the psychedelic flavored dress crossing my tv screen; yes she has turned my head yet again. Nether here nor there we should have seen this political humbug coming, at least we should have acknowledge the building of the wind crossing the board-lines of inconsistency and flat out LIES.... did I say the word "AGAIN" again. I would like to see these parties actually square off on real topics. The kind of topics that would have households in disarray where parents and children, husband and wives (that's an easy one lol) and even siblings and cousins in scrabble-like debates rather than hear them pulling the thickening wool over the eyes of innocent and sometimes ignorant people of this land. I would like to really hear in detail how your plan is so wonderful and how it began to appear to the public as some great God-send or freedom fighting liberator for the people (but in the ordinary men/women language) . I want to see you actually do some work that directly effects me in a positive way instead of pushing your weight & monies around fooling the people as you great puppet master always do (we've endured more than enough of the negative effects from you political thugs than we can afford). When will you travel down my block? Come by my home? I know, how about this let's see you listen to the gunshots and sirens from ambulance, fire-trucks and police vehicles for one night as we do every night in the so called "HOOD" that we live in. As I've always said come travel in my hood for a min. Since this great day will never appear in this country because the heads of state use pens and pads and keyboards and screens as their very own personal militia whose assault is on the poor people of this nation I'll give you my run-down of things: Tomorrow is a day where time can sit still. Fiction you might say but the reality of it is that although TIME in its physical state cannot stop we have the ability to make it appear as if it can. The process is simple and easy but it's the people that are to blame. We'd rather let indifference cause us to remain separated. We'd rather dance to the tune of imagery and status in order to save face and sometimes even to hide our perversity. The sum of all fears is a bluff, and secretly dancing with the devil in the pale moonlight is more important to most so instead we sit and complain as if we haven't figured out that this just doesn't work.... Have you ever spent time talking to homeless people that you don't know from a can of paint? Have you just walked outside and randomly picked a person and did something so drastic for them that it changed their life for the better? Welp ladies and gentlemen this is the same approach these politicians take. Its that same stance that they live by and they stand firm on it. So ask yourself are you better than they and vise-verso??? The answer again is NO........... Let's take some action

Monday, May 21, 2012

News Flash....

For one reason or another (Today) so many of us claim that we are such learned people and that we are these great scripture philosophers and so on. Now I'm not one to be judgmental at all; by any means please educate yourself as much and as often as your heart feels content. I think my stance is simple; You are entitled to your opinion just a I am to mines. Right? Well with that being said I just want to share some of the ideas I've mingled with (for some strange reason) and oddly enough I am almost disgusted with the lack of intelligence and common sense some people have and I'm appalled with the gall they have to share it openly with others. I would really like to know where these individuals get their information from. I mean what books are you studying from? So I was listening to the Zo Williams show this past Thursday night. One of the topics started with politics (Of course) and the motivation behind Barak Obama's so called same sex endorsement. Firstly I don't totally agree with the understanding of his comment that most of us conclude. I think as a politician that was a question that was heading his direction one way or another and he answered it in a political manner. I strongly understand that from his position, now. With that being said, since those rights do nothing to alter his position he took a higher road and a very strategic road at that (as a politician). Whether we agree or not, campaign-wise (politically) it's GENIUS. And why wouldn't he? Yes he's the first African American President but first and foremost He's A POLITICIAN and this is what POLITICIANS do. Now as the conversation heated from nuke warm to a light boil this next two spokespersons set the vibes for NUCLEAR. The first gentleman was a self proclaimed reverend and his idea was that God had created homosexuality and that it's written about in Genesis. It was a combination of lustful acts that evolved in the garden of Eden as the first family began to indulge in the consumption of what we know to be the "forbidden fruit". His rambling went on for a short spell (not over-seeding his 30 second limit). Then there was the next caller. I call him 'The Caller' I'll tell you why. He began he statement with an intro like he was chosen to be a street-side prophet of some sort. His rambling went on until he said the magic words. He agreed with the previous caller stating that homosexuality started in the garden of Eden. He uttered out of his mouth that Adam & Eve, after tasting the 'forbidden fruit' had a "menage" with an angel!!! As much as I would like you to believe that I'm making this up I am afraid that my great writing skills limit me to a much smaller capacity than this one. I stood frozen. I had no words and it seemed that Zo Williams was in shock. He blurted out "Wait A Minute"!! as I am certain they were talking I couldn't help myself from remaining captive in this comatose like state. I laughed for a bit and then it hit me. There are those people in this world who allow their own ideas to mingle with the realities of this world and therefore they begin to believe the madness of their imagination. The gentleman was actually trying to say that this was written in the BIBLE!!! OMG my mouth laid open and I was choking in disbelief. I'm not trying to embarrass or make a mockery of the guy but I now see how weak people become victimized by the MIS-EDUCATION of others. Had I not been a sort of learned individual (meaning I have taken the liberty of reading some GOOD READ) I would have go along to get along... (I doubt that but just for the sake of argument I'll go with that). I'm just wondering where does this mentality come from? Where do these people get there ideas from? Could it be that we are that lost in fantasy that we are unable t see certain situation makes little to no sense or are we just satisfied with the idea that food is food? Was he really just making fun of the conversation or was he dead serious? I've even had a person come over to me (in the streets) and ask me for some change after he said that he was lead to believe that humans and dolphins can understand each other because humans were brought to the planet earth in the belly of dolphins!!! People what is going on with us? This world is mad. I will end with this Study. Study. STUDY!! But if studying doesn't project you from the state that you are in at this moment then you are either studying the wrong things with teh wrong methods or you are simple a beyond educational repair and you need to find a way to reboot your brain..... I'm just saying.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Self-Hatred 10-woman (a black woman's misfortune)

I read a tweet today where a black woman claimed that white men are an upgrade from black men. To make matters worse it was formulated in a question in an attempt to pool other black women to agree with this disrespectful statement.
My problem is this;
What is it that she's really trying to promote? Has self-hatred swallowed her so in-depth that she could return home to meet with her father or grandfather to reiterate such a race hating statement?

Now being a black man I take totally responsibility for what I've done wrong and the many ill-mannered things that I have attributed to society; and more importantly those things that I have done to continue the downward spiral affect it has on our black community.
Nonetheless I refuse to allow such things to carry over to the next man (my brother) nor should his values be attached or aligned with my misbehaving.

For the record I am always pro BLACK because that is the community that I am attached to by blood, culture and genealogy. Those of you that know me personally or otherwise already know this but let that clear the air for those who may have not understood that fact.

I would like to also state this before I continue;
My childhood hero is and always has been "Malcolm X" and he stated this (I'm paraphrasing) "How can the wolf ask the sheep why he hates him". How does the rapist ask the assaulted or the victim why she/he hates the attacker? Since our captive times we have always been attacked and violated on each level by the same persons; THAT'S A FACT.. So again how do you expect me to feel in regards to these people. (Not all of them are evil but being honest how do I know who is and who isn't; honesty is not a tool used by these people at all. History proves that. Just watch FLORIDA on the news). RIP MY DEAR BRO TRAYVON....

The black race in itself has been attacked and assaulted in the worse humane manner without regard to severity and without question of responsibility. The assault has escalated and shifted beyond physical brute to an all out sociologically structured attack with a clear statement. However many of us choose to disobey the laws of nature and abide by the God-forsaken turn the other cheek affair. Even a tiny ant will defend himself if cornered off by any type of threat. Preservation of life is and always will be top priority for any species. Honestly I wouldn't expect to receive anything from a God that would tell me to sit down and do nothing about the situation that affects my people's and/or my own well-being.

So dear tweeter I would like to pass on a few things to you;
If changing the mindset or the overall behavior/lifestyle of our black men which would in fact correct the entire black community here in North America would take you from your job or career and protect and support you at home rearing the children of our community would you be willing to do that? Would you give up the career woman idea to allow black men to return to being real men by taking responsibility of their families and communities? Or has the idea of the American dream been embedded so deeply in you it became as critical to your livelihood as the very blood that runs through your veins?

Have you not realized that this is where the black family especially the black man been forced to emulate an orphan-like presence thus being reared by a heartless foster parent (the U.S. Government)?

Before you answer lets look at this; there was a time when black men were proud to have a job and bring home food and provide shelter for their children. This is still the reality of black men regardless to how his livelihood may appear or what his demeanor may present. At the same time it is the very black women that he sees in the street that turns her nose up to him because he has a job that may not produce the luxuries that black women see and worship on TV. Sure he would like to have those American dream luxuries just as you would but its just not as simple as TV depicts it but you are so wrapped up in it your mind is bent on the idea of seeing this sometimes unachievable reality come to life. So now his meager job is almost as bad as not having a job at all.

Its unfortunate that its easier to find a hustle than it is to find a job. Its easier to act an ass than to stand up and those of us that stand up half of you black women don't support so we go to other ethnic groups just to hear more ranting and raving over selfishness. Whether its right or wrong its a fact and no one dares to speak on it.. We just complain.

Your self hatred has caused your mindset to promote disrespectful and degrading thoughts and you seem to think of it as actuality when its just a mirror of self-hatred and you refuse to accept it for what it is. I don't totally blame you for your mindset because I see what you don't see you. I see deeper into the idea of who, what and where its stems from. I realize how that white man that you are raising higher than the black man God created you from has brain-washed you. In fact its from the core of that very black man you are degrading that both you and that white man that you love so much were produced and if you would take one second to think about that you would understand what your position is in the situation your black man is.

Have you considered your father or grandfather or his father or his father's father in that ridiculous remark? Those that died so that you may live have you considered them? And let me answer your next statement before you let it out your mouth; no they don't make men like that anymore. But the word "THEY" is referring again to the black woman. If it had not been for the black woman the black man would have never made it through slavery. It was that strong black woman (the black man's help-mate) that raised them young black boys to be men. It wasn't the black man IT WAS THE BLACK WOMAN.. And they certainly aren't made the same anymore!! Did you know that your slave masters tried to enslave their own Irish-men before they began to seek out our beautiful black race. Not only were they too weak to carry out the assignment but they also lacked one key element; THE BLACK WOMAN!!

The black family needs reform but most of you rather sit at the table and be accepted and loved by the very man that thinks very little of you and even less about that father you come from. Sadly you black woman have now entered the same devilish mindset towards your own black brother as your former owner has. You are more than a house ninja you are a house whore...

I'll end with this;
Even if that's your opinion (you are welcomed to have it) I just hope that you wouldn't teach your children to be ant-black men as you obviously are. The black woman cannot produce without the black man and you definitely wouldn't exist if it wasn't for that black man that you are so disgusted with. Remember it is from him whence you came so perhaps you have an issue with your maker since he attached you with the black man. And to say that white man are prone to do the things in bed that black men are afraid to do puts things in the right perspective for me now. You are so wrapped up in your freakish ways you wouldn't appreciate a real black man either way as he would choose to treat you as a woman but you would rather be treated as a whore.......

Yo need to do some soul searching and perhaps skipping the club and a few drinks and picking up a book that teaches you more than some damn institution would might be a GREAT IDEA.....


Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Truth about The Morning After

Contrary to what people believe, black people have yet to overcome. Now before you get excited and overwelmed by that statement let me explain. I have to agree that we have moved forward so to speak in a great number of areas however we still are unfree of the chains that are the heartbeat of our former owners.

For decades we continue to try to find ways to be accepted by and likable to a people that have a lowest of respect for us by any regards. The biggest question is why? Why haven't we learned that the behavior of the majority of those persons will never change. It is embedded so deep that it has become their nature.

This situation down in Florida, no matter how tragic or devastating it is isn't by accident but it is part of a design. The times may have changed but for some the agenda must ride on.

Until we begin to police and take care of our own community and drive this wicked enemy out we will continue to go through this mess. We are but a spell out of a physical slavery and we remain engulfed in a mental state of captivity and even knowingly we do nothing about it. Nothing. Our people for the most part remain locked in a 20 mile or less radius full of nothingness leaving us spiritually, mentally and psychologically drunken by pollutions controlled by the very people that lock us up for posession of what they allow in our backyard and we remain there until our last day.

It hurts to know that we are seemingly impotent when it comes to standing up against these evil and wicked persons that are killing us off in a modern day lynching type of reality. And we just turn the other cheek because they taught us that turning the cheek is the best thing to do......

We been hoodwinked....

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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

To our Family in Florida & across the Globe

Sadly we remain victims of the same cruelties our fore-fathers were victims of. The end result is the same even if the tactics have be changed or altered.

Fact of The matter is that the Blackman has always been on the main course as far as this society has had anything to do with it. Needless to say we fall victim because we reamain dependants of those who have once owned our fathers. I think we have forgotten that their are people that still consider black lives no more than chattel or as they would put it 3/4 of a human.

When will we admit that there is no way to change the mindset of those who have been raised this way. Change just isn't in their makeup so we should give up on that idea...

We need unity for you and me....

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Perfect Partners

Perfect Partner; Does it Really Exist?
For many moons people have tried to define this object of affection, but most have always fallen short of the prize. How do we explain this? Have we not experienced enough time in this mystic area to get at minimum or a basic understanding of its qualities? Is there a simple or rational reason for failing to create a description of this unprecedented desire?

The answer is not a simple answer and it can present itself as a very complicating opus, however so does its solution. Thus it seems to be almost impossible for the average person to adhere to.

Let us first look at the early part of this subject in order to detect the commencing cross roads that lead to the misinterpretation of this matter. The question to ask is how can you bring detail to something that you have never experienced totally and whole heartedly? This task is impossible because you have yet to taste the finery imbedded in the core of this entity. For example if I minister to you concerning the pleasures of bathing in the clear waters of the Virgin Islands while sipping on Bahama Mamas and delighting you taste buds with fresh sweet mango and watermelon chunks your mouth would probably begin to water instantly. Although you may never have had the luxury of indulging in such an event you could almost feel the sun lay against your skin causing your pores to open and your sweat glands to almost explode due to the salted moisture build up that controls your body temperature. Even though you may have never witnessed such a delighting affair human nature delineates a near perfect picture that you begin to craze for. This craze then becomes an unwarranted and indefensible desire caused by the imagery that had become a reality in your mind.

This is the same means by which we begin to search for our better halves. We always hear these magnificent love stories and twenty, thirty, and even fifty year old marriages of yesteryear, however today certainly produces far more minuet or desolate marital outcomes.

At one point or another our so-called soul mates held the title of being almost perfect right? Well at least everyone that we became attached to or held on to suited this title. The irony of it all isthat we bypassed the key words in the above phrase; almost and perfect and the very moment we neglected to appreciate or respect these words we press the fast forward button advancing us down misery road. The danger signs begin to flash as we spiral down the funnel of WOES! Every time we do this we omit Murphy's Law and the gravitational rule; what goes up must come down.

Entirely too much time is spent channeling our energy towards this old school and holiday kind of love. Its not that this love doesn't exist any more, but more importantly its not something that grows on trees. Can you say "they sure don't make them like they used to". Well boys and girls welcome to the new real world or better yet welcome to the MATRIX!. There is no perfect love although you can make your love as perfect as it can be. In plain English what works for you doesn't necessarily work for me, however we can make arrangements and sacrifice for the betterment of us.

So when you are making these monumental and life changing decisions it would benefit and be exceptionally profitable to you if you would consider two major factors;

The first would be to know what it is that you are looking for. This means you would have to spend some time with yourself in an attempt to master the person you have evolved into. This is very important because if you don't recognize where you have been you certainly cannot plan a future containing any substance and you will remain in the sphere of greif.

The second thing to consider is to be honest with yourself. You already know what your dos and don'ts just as you wills and your will nots so openly admit them to yourself and then to you chosen partner. This will present a non biased approach for you to introduce to your mate allowing open dialog between the both of you. Once you set the stage with honesty and a presumed sense of dignity you both can begin to plan a successful journey to happiness and to a "Perfect Partnership"

To sum it all up there is a definition of the Perfect Partner and it begins with the Perfect Partnership. A marriage is just that a perfect partnership and it is exactly what you make of it so make the best of what you are blessed to have or share with someone special. If you are fortunate to apply this to you life be grateful in order to be fruitful, and enjoy your Perfect Partner.

True Love??

True Love? Fiction or Non-Fiction
True Love yeah right!

Is there such a thing as true love? Is it possible to encounter such an event that can sweep you away? Well I challenge this question because of the obvious factors that surround this momentous engagement. If there is such a great and wonderful soul grasping movement in our existence how is it that the greater ninety percent of more of the world's population never dance to the sweetness of this tune? This highly anticipated tea party scarcely invites or receives visitation equaling the magnitude of its greatness and fulfillment. Can this artifact come with a simple answer at all?

The answer is far from simple and complex is a mere understatement. There are grave differences that challenge the true love theory to be a realistic entity. We swindle around the majority of our lives expecting to run into the perfect being that will set our entire being on fire and he or she appears to be in some form intertwined in every Keisha or Jason that passes our way. Why is this so common amongst our relationships you ask? Its simple we are searching for that which we may never have. The reason for this is because we are so caught up in the "Hollywood" fairy tales about the unknown and the unseen.

Now to say that true love does not exist is not an exact statement to live by but more importantly its serves a better purpose if we detail the love episode we agree to attach ourselves with on a daily basis. Why are we fighting with the powers that are already in play when we know that at the end of the day we are going to continue with the up and down quandaries that challenge us in the so-called relationships we are already in. Is there love some where in this situation? Is there a chance for love in this situation? If neither of the two can be implemented in the outcome of the ordeal why do we continue to stay put?

The bottom line is this; there is a chance for true love in every situation if we take the necessary steps in the right direction in our quest for finding what we know as true love. When one knows totally what it is that they are in search of in a companion they turn away from misdirection of inappropriate actions that discredit that oneness of their union together. Now this change comes with a heavy burden because it no longer belongs to one of the individuals. It becomes an adaptation for the pair in accordance to their union. In other words your feelings are mines and if you hurt then I hurt, so if I hurt you I hurt myself as well. Now it's easy to say these things but it's even harder to live these actions. However if your agendas are the same then this becomes a very minute order of guidelines to follow.

Filling emptiness is a hunger driven by human nature. It is not a mystery foe the ages yet it certainly has its place in history. It is also a force that cannot be fathomed by any instrument known to man. This drive is tremendous and is capacity is greatly unparalleled and unique. Every journey is different nonetheless everyone at some point in their lives will come face to face with the challenge of finding that one True Love